Welcome To Africa Women Forum

The One Aims and objectives of the One African Women Forum is that it is a Non- Governmental Organisation that works in Nigeria and other African countries.

Creating Awareness Within Africa.

To create awareness within Africa by providing objective accurate and encouraging information to them at all levels.

Engaging In All Activities.

We engage in all such viable activities that will enable the attainment and enhancement of these forum


We have reached so far!

Giving is one of the kindest and nicest things a human can do for humanity. The gesture reflects nothing but empathy which all humans have for each other, innately. That the gesture must be made wisely, is a separate topic. Often, our intentions betray the action taken. When One Africa Women Forum donate money to charity, we are overwhelmed by the sense of giving. And in doing so, we ignore the first rule of giving charity: Your money must not fall into the wrong hands!

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Donation raised


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When hope is hungry, everything feeds it.

We’re a One Africa Women humanitarian organization helping children, families, and their communities overcome poverty and injustice.


Giving children opportunities to learn and develop their talents, equipping young people for the future, and bringing families and communities together to support children’s education.

Child Sponsorship

One Africa Women Forum focus on improving the well-being of children in need, especially the most vulnerable. We are uniquely equipped to go to any where in Africa most broken, heart-wrenching places. Places where it’s hard to be a child.


Magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur.


We empower communities and guide them to set their own goals — equipping them so that progress is sustained, and continued, long after we’ve left.


We serve alongside the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people. One Africa Women serves every child we can, of any faith or none.


Working in some of the Africa toughest places, where others often can’t go, we continuously challenge ourselves as One Africa Women to do our utmost for those we serve most especially when it comes to children .


Fundraising events,Please join.

Every 60 seconds, a family gets water, a hungry child is fed, and a family gets the tools to overcome poverty.


We will together make the world better

One Africa Women's Forum has been stepping into a life-changing connection that empowers the child and their community for a future filled with opportunity. That’s because your monthly sponsorship will bring essentials like clean water, nutrition, healthcare, education, and more.

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“While the lovely valley teems vapour around me, and the sunda strikes the upper ground”


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